Benchmark Email Monthly Newsletter

Dear First Name

Thank you for reading the Benchmark Email Partner Newsletter.

I'm here at Benchmark Email's main office in Southern California. Our fall season began with record high temperatures one week and record low temperatures the next. So that was our change of season.

Before you know it, winter holidays and then 2011 will be upon us. It's time to start thinking about goals for next year, and it's also a good time to start thinking about how we can learn from this year's mistakes and successes. We take stock of what we need to keep - and what we need to discard.

Have you signed up for a few affiliate programs? If so, which are working for you and which aren't? Why are some successful while others fail?

We know that most affiliates wear many hats and participate in many programs at the same time, so it's important for you to look at the cost/benefit ratio. If there's no set-up fee, the primary element of cost is your valuable time - and the main elements of the benefit are the money you make and what you can provide to your clients.

If you're a current partner, or someone who is considering it, I'm here to help you to succeed. I would love to hear your ideas on how to improve our Partner Program. Even though we've been doing business since 2003 and have grown considerably, we are still able to implement new features and ideas quickly.

In this edition, we tell you how we save you time by making our Partner Program simple and easy to use. We'll also tell you about our latest social media features and provide more great affiliate marketing tips.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

All the best,

Matt Ramsey
1-800-430-4095 ext. 8
562-252-7809 -- Direct

Matt Ramsey
Partner Development

We Keep It Simple
Benchmark Email's New Features
Good to Know
Expert Advice
It's Easy to Recommend Benchmark Email
Join over 73,000 small businbess users

Benchmark Email Monthly Newsletter
You can view everything you need to get started at this link:

We Keep It Simple
With the popularity of publishing platforms such as WordPress, it seems that even tech-savvy web designers and developers are using technology that allows them to manage blogs and web sites using a simple, easy-to-use interface. Our email marketing service is similar in that it looks professional and is also easy to use. We'd like to keep our partner program along the same lines: simple and easy for you to use. Here are some ways we keep it simple.

1. Benchmark Email's Partner Program Pays a Set Percentage of Recurring Monthly Sales

Other Companies:
Some email marketing companies offer you tiered commission plans with different percentages for different types of affiliates, payable only if you hit a certain monthly revenue dollar amount. And with some programs, there is a minimum amount you have to earn. If you don't reach that amount, you get nothing. Others offer a one-time referral fee, or free services, for referrals or paid plan sign-ups. With some plans, the customer needs to sign up within 60 days of clicking the link. What if it's past 60 days? You guessed it: you get nothing..

Our Plan:
You receive recurring monthly income when a referral signs up for a paid plan, with no payment threshold or monthly revenue target. You get paid 25% of every payment the referred customer makes.

A single purchaser of our larger plans can provide you with up to $125 in monthly income on an open-ended basis. And with multiple referrals, this adds up quickly. Some Benchmark Email partners are earning more than $5,000 per month.

 2. We Provide Easy Access to Promotional Materials

Other Companies:
Some companies ask you to go to third-party web sites to look for the promotional materials.

Our Plan:
We provide a trackable URL with a five-digit code. We automatically include that URL code right in the HTML code. You can access the Partner Program interface by clicking on the Partner Program link:

 3. We Provide Direct, Easy-to-Access Reporting

Other Companies:
Some companies ask you to go to third-party web sites to search for reports.

Our Plan:
We offer the promotional materials and reporting in one location. Through the Partner Program interface, you have access to real-time reporting, which provides information on sales achieved and commissions earned. There is no middleman or third party involved. You simply access your partner statistics directly on our web site.

 4. Our Partner Program is Free, and Easy to Join

Other Companies:
Some partner programs ask you to pay a set-up fee, and you have to go through a complicated set-up process.

Our Plan:
We don't charge any set-up fee, and you don't even have to have a paid account with us to be a partner. There is no credit card necessary.

 5. We Offer Superior Support

Other Companies:
Some partner and affiliate plans do not give you easy access to a support representative for the affiliate program or the product or service itself.

Our Plan:
If you have questions about the Partner Program, I'm here to help. If you have questions about using our email marketing service, our support department is available to help via Live Chat or telephone. You won't have to hunt for the support phone number. The 800 number for support is posted right on the top of each page of our web site, just below the Live Chat link.

 6. Make Sure to Try the Product Before You Recommend It.

Other Companies:
Other companies may not offer you a free trial, so you may not be able to explain the product or service you're recommending by putting a link on your site.

Our Plan:
We offer a free 30-day trial to new customers. Once you sign up for the free trial, you get your custom URL code, which is used in all the promotional materials, to track your sales. By trying out the service yourself, you can familiarize yourself with the features and benefits the service provides.

 7. Look For a High Conversion Rate.

Other Companies:
Some of the plans with other email marketing companies are expensive. And with some of your affiliate partners, you may be recommending a product or service that is not relevant to what your referrals need.

Our Plan:
Our service is the most cost-effective, and it's one people want and need. You'll get more sales and commission payments with less hassle. Email marketing has proven to be a necessity in order to retain current customers.

We appreciate your feedback on how we can help you earn recurring revenue, and how we can keep the Partner Program simple and easy to use, as our company grows.

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Benchmark Email's New Features
Integrate Your Facebook Pages in Addition to Your Facebook Account

Social Networking ButtonsFor some time, Benchmark Email has offered to ability to auto-tweet a link to your email newsletter when it was sent. Now you can do the same with Facebook Pages. It's as easy as one click. Integrate your Facebook account with Benchmark Email. Now everyone who "likes" your page on Facebook can see your email newsletter - even if they're not a subscriber.

Follow the steps to Integrate Your Facebook Pages Account.

Put Social Networking Buttons in the Body of Your Emails

Automatic Birthday EmailsIndividually, email marketing and social networking are powerful tools that are sure to garner results for a company of any size. Integrating them, however, improves upon the effectiveness of both..

It's easy for your referred customers to add clickable Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn buttons to any section of their email newsletter. Try it out yourself during your free 30-day trial.

Find out how to Put Clickable Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn Buttons Anywhere in Your Emails.

Good to Know
Of more than 1,150 affiliates surveyed by AffStat, 21% said they actively promote more than 51 or more affiliate programs. Check out the 2010 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report for tons of great statistics, strategies and tips on affiliate marketing.

Expert Advice
For some expert advice on affiliate marketing, check out Shawn Collins at

He even has a separate web site where you can ask a question at

Take our Partner Survey

It's Easy to Recommend Benchmark Email
What do you say to people when you want them to sign up with us? The facts are a great place to start:

We have hundreds of professionally themed templates so that you can make powerful email campaigns fast.

We are currently the only major ESP that doesn't charge extra for surveys, polls, archiving and more.

Benchmark Email has a pricing structure for every client, either based on the size of your list or the quantity of emails sent per month.

You will not be required to sign a contract with Benchmark Email.

Using our easy-to-use email marketing software, you can embed videos into your email campaigns.

Our social-network tools extend your email campaigns to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more.

Plans start from as low as $9.95 per month for small businesses or organizations.

We offer dedicated server options for large volume senders.

We even offer full-service WE DO IT FOR YOU email marketing for those who are just too busy to do it themselves.

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