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Click-Throughs Compared by Industry

Associations & Organizations

Associations & Organizations' Subscriber Click-Through Rates
The hallmarks of successful email marketing campaigns are found in the statistical analysis of associations and organizations, with 23% reporting that they are achieving a dizzying level of over 15% CTR. These highly elevated figures are present throughout the data curve with 39% stating a CTR of 10% - 15%, 9% obtaining 5% - 10% CTR, and only 7% of all associations and organizations reporting that they fail to reach a CTR of 5%. The seemingly high level of Don't Know reports can also be traced back to the open rate uncertainty that can be blamed on plain text email sends.

It is important to note that the action taken by a click in the conventional application by associations and organizations differs significantly from what is understood to be a click-through in commercial email marketing. While corporate entities generally define a click-through as a sale, in the definition of associations and organizations, it may only represent the arrival at a landing page with strictly informational content, without any request to proceed with a financial transaction, in many cases not even a fundraising donation or the payment of membership fees.
Versus Industry Click-Through Rates
The CTR for the reporting associations and organizations listed in the statistical sampling is extremely high at 12.7%, which is nearly four times larger than the CTR for the lowest performing sector: the restaurant industry.