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Getting Your Message through the Door

How to Get Better User Feedback

So you have identified your target audience, assembled a list of contacts, and invested in an affordable email marketing solution to make it all happen. What’s next? Actually getting your message to the subscriber and convincing them to open it. You might not picture this as too tough a task considering that you’re marketing to people who willingly joined your list, but seeing that open rates are far from 100%, (it’s actually less than 20% according to eMarketer), it is safe to assume that opens are something several email marketers struggle with.

Obtaining feedback starts with getting your delivered messages opened, a rate that can be improved by:

Making Sure They Recognize You - Very few recipients will open your message if they cannot quickly and easily identify who is sending it. The "From" name of your email should clearly show that the message is either coming from your company or you personally.
Creating Compelling Subject Lines - A subject line can cause a recipient to want to know more and open a message or click the delete button and send it to the trash. Needless to say, being able to craft yours with precision is huge. A good subject line will not only provide a summary of what your message is all about but also help it stand out in a crowded inbox.
Maximizing the Preview Pane - The preview pane is a valuable piece of real estate that gives the recipient a sneak peek at your message. However, if the peek you provide does not grab them right away, the chances of them opening and reading your message are slim. Use your preview pane text as a call to action that compels the recipient to open your email.
Sending at the Right Time - If you are noticing that your open rates are lower than the current industry average, it could be a sign that your email is arriving at the wrong time. Most statistics you run across declare the middle of the week works best, but for you it all depends on your audience.
Following Up in Timely Fashion - You can boost your open rates by simply making sure you follow up in a timely manner. This applies to the confirmation you send after someone signs up, the email that welcomes the new subscriber to your mailing list, and the message that lets the customer know when to expect their order.

Never underestimate the importance of the research required to find the ideal delivery date. It takes time, patience, and planning. Without this action, there is no reading, no clicking, no page browsing – nothing.