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Seize Opportunities

Email Marketing Resolutions

If there is one resolution you must follow through on during the course of the New Year, it has to be making the most of the opportunities that will allow you to create awareness and boost your profits. These are opportunities that can be realized by taking advantage of all the holidays that take place throughout the year. From Martin Luther King Day in January to Christmas in December, there is a special occasion occurring just about every month that can be leveraged as a marketing opportunity.

Consumers like to see that the companies they support recognize and value the same occasions as they do. It shows that your business has a human side, and this is a trait that could strengthen the bond you have with your audience and result in increased loyalty. Taking advantage of the holidays with holiday email templates also serves as a great excuse to engage your subscribers with updates, newsletters, and special deals – definitely opportunities you do not want to miss out on.
Don't' Be Afraid to Think Big
Have you ever wondered why large and successful companies such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft are in the positions they are today? It is because they were not afraid to think big, set huge goals, and then go out and accomplish them. So you don't have the massive user base of Facebook or the IT infrastructure that enables a company like Yahoo! to thrive. This could be a disadvantage, considering how you want to look at the matter, but it doesn't mean that you can't think outside the box and enjoy enormous success in your market.

Believe it or not but the internet has leveled the playing field, offering easy access to the resources and tools that can enable you to operate with the efficiency of the major corporations. While you may not be able to blow the big fish out of the water entirely, you can very well wrestle away a slice of the market share from some of the bigger companies occupying your niche. Remember – your marketing plan can always be scaled down to accommodate the business, but you should never start out with limitations that cap your potential.
New Year, New Opportunities
So there you have it - a list of resolutions that can help you improve your email marketing practices and, in turn, enhance the experience for your audience. With a little commitment, these are resolutions you can easily stick to, and if you do you should start witnessing noticeable results in a relatively short amount of time. Having said that, you should not put pressure on yourself to make dramatic changes overnight just because you will be hanging up a new calendar in the office next month. Be realistic about your expectations, put your best foot forward, and you will be able to start 2011 off on the right track.