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If You Market It...

Event Marketing in the Digital Age

Even some of the most experienced event marketing experts will probably agree that this isn’t the easiest field to specialize in. It gets even harder when your ideal attendees are in the B2B crowd – professional men and women who want their time and presence to be justified before even considering making an appearance. So how do you get people to show up? Well, a lot of it has to do with the type of event you’re hosting. But though there are several methods of cross-promotion, no matter what you have in store, email marketing can be instrumental in helping make it a success.

When it comes to taking your event marketing efforts online, email is hands down one of the best tools to lean on. In comparison to traditional methods, it is significantly cheaper and has much greater reach. Use this tool correctly and it can be effective in promoting your event from the moment you give the initial word all the way up to the day it takes place. Following are some more specific ways email marketing can aid in event promotions:

Custom Designs – A custom email template can help set the tone, look, and feel for your event marketing campaign. What type of design works best? That depends on the event. For example, if music and dancing will be involved, maybe your design should portray a lively, fun atmosphere. If it is a Memorial Day initiative, perhaps a theme that reflects the season would be ideal. If the intent of your event is to raise funds, the best custom design would likely be one that puts emphasis on the cause.
Provide Direction – Email simplifies many aspects traditionally associated with event marketing, providing an easy way to fill potential guests in on everything they need to know. In addition to details regarding the event, you can send links that direct subscribers where to register, buy tickets, or learn more information. You could also include directions to the venue directly in your message. Whatever your audience needs to know, email can get it to them one way or another.
Educate and Engage – Email can inform and engage in a variety of ways. You are not limited to text, as images and even video can be used to highlight the importance of attending. Want to incentivize registration? Create a special offer or discount that sweetens the deal and entices them to register. Email marketing provides an opportunity to engage far beyond the when and where of your event; tell them how to participate, tell them why it’s important that they attend. Set up autoresponders for members of your subscriber list to build excitement every step of the way and keep your event at the front of their minds.
While email has a leg up on most old school tactics, it is actually the most effective at event marketing when blended with traditional methods. If you have been using direct mail to promote your events, don’t abandon it. Mix it with email marketing to bolster your overall efforts. There is a bit more work involved, but integrating your event marketing strategy can help to ensure an excellent turnout.