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Long & Short Term Goals

Pet & Veterinarian Email Marketing

Pet & Veterinarian Business Email Marketing Goals
Your email marketing newsletter campaign should be customized to appeal to every type of pet and veterinarian client, from casual customers who may only be peripherally aware of your operations to dedicated pet owners, breeders and farmers who use your services on a regular basis. By providing precise information to each customer category, you help ensure they will turn to your location first.
Short Term Goals
The short-term goals of an email marketing campaign designed by professionals to meet the requirements of your pet and veterinarian business can produce the following results:

Competitive advantage over other local pet and veterinarian businesses
Customer participation in additional sales, events and special occurrences
Extend online presence and authority
Find new customers
Location loyalty
Location recognition
Same quarter sales
Word of mouth
Long Term Goals
Over the long term, pet and veterinarian businesses can expect a fully featured professional email marketing campaign to produce:

Expansion of customer base
Facility loyalty
Gaining local and regional competitive advantage
Higher traffic for a broader range of products and services
Increased cooperation from suppliers & related businesses
Online authority translating to sector market leadership
Year on year sales