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Current Industry Climate

Real Estate Email Marketing

The Real Estate sector is comprised of a wide selection of different agencies and corporate structures, ranging from the small town independent real estate agent all the way up to the multi-national mega-corporations that market properties all over the world and can have hundreds of thousands or even millions of active listings at any one time. Real estate is an extremely wide ranging business that encompasses professionals in virtually every field. Real estate careers go far beyond the conventional realtor agent stereotype to include office staff, accountancy and legal personnel, technology experts, telecommunications specialists, graphic artists, photographers, multimedia producers, and a broad range of consultants specializing in every possible niche of the sector.

Given the extent of the current industry and its recent turmoil triggered by the escalating foreclosure crisis, it should not be a surprise to discover that there are endless variations on the ways various real estate business agents, owners and managers implement their email and social networking strategies. The multi-national chain corporations have committed massive resources to their online marketing communications; yet a number of the smaller and more local real estate businesses have not been involved in email and social networking marketing to any extent, and may even be bereft of an online presence whatsoever. This particular factor is shown through the analysis of email newsletter subscription list sizes, which vary from just a handful in the case of the strictly local companies to the hundreds of thousands or millions for the national corporate chain operators.