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Restaurant Email Marketing

This guide, Restaurants: Riding the Crest of the Foodie Revolution with Email Marketing, was commissioned to analyze the current overall standing of email marketing campaigns for the application of restaurant owners and managers. It is hoped that the review of this valuable data will allow them to focus their businesses' online marketing to a greater degree. This guide is designed to ameliorate restaurants’ promotional efforts with the following methods:

Attracting new patrons with promotional email campaigns while upholding the fealty and minimizing the turnover of current ones.
Precise compliance to a web of legislation as well as the prevailing ethical self-regulatory standards of the restaurant industry sector.
Identifying and interpreting the relevant statistics obtained from the varied approaches applied by a number of restaurant business owners and managers throughout the country.
Utilization of strategically consistent email marketing that is tailored specifically for your restaurant venue to garner and preserve the greatest benefit possible.

A significant sequence of published statistical reports were utilized to gather the data contained in this guide. The owners and managers of restaurant concerns across Canada and the United States were interviewed to compile these papers. The data has been derived from all levels of the restaurant sector including small, medium, large, and chain venues. The data gleaned through this effort can be found in the Restaurant Email Marketing Survey section.

The primary ambition of this paper is to propose a sequence of queries that almost all restaurant concerns need to ask themselves in order to determine the current condition of their email marketing. Once these points are ascertained, email and social marketing solutions will be discussed.