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自动回复 - 自由设定发送时间
Autoresponders are one of the most powerful tools in the email marketers arsenal. They allow you to stay top of mind with your subscribers with less time spent. You set...
July 9, 2015
Benchmark 5: 筹办贸易展会的诀窍
As the social networking manager, I’ve attended more than a few trade shows with Benchmark. I man our booth, walk around and ham it up for pictures to post on...
June 20, 2014
播客2P : 准备到开始
Everybody who is anybody has a podcast these days. Or at least it seems like it. Actors, directors, comedians, writers...
April 21, 2014
Benchmark 5:关于公开演说我所学到的事
This week I gave a speech to member of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and others on social media....
June 13, 2013
Benchmark 新功能:整合 Highrise CRM 联络人名单
Any company that says the ultimate goal isn’t world domination is lying at least a little bit. With that in...
April 20, 2012
Benchmark 5:幼儿园都知道的电子邮件营销秘诀
Today marks the first in our brand new series, the Benchmark 5. Each week, we’ll bring you a list of...
April 19, 2012
来自Benchmark Email设计师的建议:怎样才是好的网页设计?
This week I decided to turn my focus to design. The best content can be lost in a poorly designed...
April 18, 2012
I began my college career as an art major. It didn’t last more than a semester. Partly, it was my...
April 17, 2012
Yesterday I saw an article about President Obama briefly communicating with a deaf college student via sign language. It took...
March 23, 2012