A good email campaign can deliver benefits again and again. If you design it right, keep it in the storage vault and archive it, it will reward you by providing integral SEO value. The payoff? Higher rankings in the SERPs for your archived pages and more qualified search traffic in the process.
Content is not only king, it is also the most important aspect of an SEO strategy. Your archived email campaigns can be an integral part of that strategy with the right game plan. Following are some tips that will help you give your old email campaigns the highest SEO value possible:
Go for What You Know
When it comes to archiving your email campaigns, it is important to note that the same general rules of search engine optimization still apply. For the most part, this pertains to creating keyword-rich content, which happens to be just what the search spiders crave. In order to give your archived web pages the best possible chance of earning a respectable spot in the rankings, everything from your title tags and alt text to your headlines and copy should be optimized with relevant keywords. Links are also a vital part of the SEO process, so try to build up a nice collection of backlinks to your archived email campaigns from relevant sites.
Keep It Fresh
The only thing search engines love more than relevant content is fresh relevant content. Even though the purpose of archiving is to showcase your previous email campaigns, you can ensure that they qualify as fresh content in the eyes of the search engines by simply adding them to your site on a regular basis. For example, if you send out a monthly email newsletter, make sure you are archiving them at least once a month to keep the updates rolling in. Once you get on a good schedule, you can go back and add as many of your old campaigns as possible. Doing this regularly can help you generate a consistent flow of traffic from the search engines.
Publish Quality Content
Earlier this year, Google rolled out its controversial Panda update, which for the most part aimed to weed out duplicate and low quality content from the top of the search results. Did it work? To a degree, but that degree is debatable. Depending on what you’re looking for, you just may find the same horribly written articles prominently ranked in the Google SERPs. While low quality content can still get you the traffic you seek, this is not the approach you want to take when designing your emails for archiving. The traffic may roll in, but the conversion rates will be poor if your content doesn’t make sense or isn’t of interest to visitors.
Are you optimizing your email campaigns for archiving and SEO value? If not, now would be a great time to make this a part of your strategy. Whether they are from a few months ago or a few years ago, don’t hesitate to dust off those old campaigns. They can prove to be incredibly valuable.