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Industry Comparison by Click-Through

Automotive Repair

Automotive Repair Subscriber Click-Through Rates
The click-through rate (CTR) of any rich text email can be easily tracked. Monitoring open rates is fundamental to the formula for calculating CTRs as well as a quick way to jumpstart your business's email marketing campaign. Without the CTR and open rates, it is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. And yet only a mere 13% of surveyed automotive repair businesses knew their CTR metrics. Two percent claimed their CTR was above 15 percent, while 3% stated 10 to 15 percent CTR; 3% stated a 5 to 10 percent CTR; and 5% reported a CTR lower than 5 percent.
Versus Industry Click-Through Rates
The CTR of automotive repair businesses skews above the average of other industry sectors.