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Click Rates by Industry

Email Marketing for Bars & Nightclubs

Bar & Nightclub Subscriber Click-Through Ratess
There are basic ways to track the click-through rate (CTR) of any email as long as it is not sent in plain text format. Due to the fact that a fundamental aspect of the formula for CTRs is the open rate, and an amazing over eight out of ten or 81% of all bar & nightclub venue owners and managers have no idea what that metric is for their campaigns, it then becomes not too surprising that fully 89% are not aware of their CTRs, therefore cannot ascertain how their email campaigns are performing. Only 11% of all Bar & Nightclub venue owners or managers knew their CTRs, with 1% stating that they were getting more than 15%; 1% claiming 10-15%; 7% receiving 5-10%; and 2% reporting that their CTR is less than 5%.


Versus Industry Click-Through Rates
The CTR of bar & nightclub venues seems to be a bit above average for the other industry sectors but that can be attributed to the tiny sampling of businesses that actually do track this metric.