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Email Marketing for Bars & Nightclubs

This report, Bar & Nightclub: Email Marketing to The Party Crowd, was commissioned to analyze the current state of email marketing for the benefit of bar & nightclub business owners and managers. The conclusions in this report should assist the members of the bar & nightclub industry to improve their marketing and promotional efforts in the following ways:

Understanding how to structure and execute an email marketing campaign that will attract new customers while maintaining the loyalty and minimizing the alienation of existing ones.
Being able to understand and confront the considerable challenges of maintaining strict adherence to a tangled web of legislation and the varied standards of the bar & nightclub industry.
Identifying and interpreting the relevant facts and figures to gain perspective on the effectiveness of various approaches used by other bar & nightclub venue managers and owners nationwide.
Optimizing strategic email marketing campaigns tailored specifically for your bar & nightclub business.
An important series of recently published statistical studies was used to selectively gather the information contained in this report. The owners and managers of bar & nightclub enterprises across the United States and Canada were surveyed to assemble these studies. The data has been gleaned from all levels of the bar & nightclub industry including large, medium and small venues. The information acquired by this effort is available in the Bar & Nightclub Email Marketing Survey section.

The primary goal of this guide is to offer a series of questions that most bar or nightclub enterprises should be asking to ascertain the present state of their email marketing campaigns, with the intent to compile efficient solutions and improvements.