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Crafting Content that Converts

How to Get Better User Feedback

Now that we have covered a few ways to encourage opens and boost your rates, let's take a look at how you can create content that results in the constructive feedback you want. From the copy that piques the reader's interest to the offer that closes the deal, content rules all and should be a trigger that gets your users to respond.

There are a variety of ways to create more effective content, but for now we will focus on these three:

Be as Relevant as Possible - As it relates to email and online marketing in general, the importance of relevant content can't be stressed enough. More than ever, consumers are scanning their inbox for content that benefits them specifically. They want to be targeted as individuals, not as just another one of the masses. More on how you can do this coming up.
Keep Fresh Content on Hand - Delivering quality content all the time is one of the most challenging aspects of email marketing. It can be a tough nut to crack, but it comes with the territory so you must be able get a handle on it. Since consistently churning out completely new content is even harder, you may need to up the ante on creativity in order to keep your audience satisfied. For example, if you don't have time to come up with something new, you could introduce readers to aspects of your products, services, or business that they may not be familiar with. As long as it's relevant and useful, it can serve as suitable fodder for your email campaigns.
Encourage Sharing - Users may respond to your content in a variety of ways, and sharing is among the most beneficial today. In fact, sharing has been instrumental in the overwhelming success of Facebook and the entire social web. A single post published on Twitter or an article streamed through a content discovery site like Digg can easily reach thousands of people. For an email marketer, implementing social sharing buttons and asking subscribers to share can be encouraging, but providing valuable content they want to share is even more convincing.

A big part of email marketing is providing content that prompts interaction and builds relationships. These are great objectives to strive for as the results for your business could be increased engagement, loyalty, and sales. In short, deliver great content and users will be more willing to perform the actions you want them to take.