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Click-Through Rates

Dental & Orthodontic Email Marketing

Dental & Orthodontic Subscriber Click-Through Rates
87% of dental & orthodontic owners and managers do not know what their current CTR (click-through rate) statistics are. These directors are not able to calculate the performance of their email marketing campaigns since they lack the basic tools for this interpretation and analysis. Only 13% of all businesses were aware of their CTRs, with 1% claiming that they were getting a CTR that is greater than 15%; 2% stating 10-15%; another 2% receiving 5-10%; and 8% claiming that their CTR is less than 5%.

Versus Industry Click-Through Rates
Considering that this specific data is based on a very small percentage, the CTR of dental & orthodontic businesses of 2.9% seems to be well below average for the other industry sectors.