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Open Rates

Dental & Orthodontic Email Marketing

Email Open Rates for Dental & Orthodontic Campaigns
A high percentage of all dentistries remain unaware of how many of their sent emails are actually opened by their prospects. With only 19% of all clinic owners or managers able to review their open rates or even fully comprehend the value of this metric, this statistic demonstrates that the dental business is lagging behind the current state of the art in the interpretation and comprehension of the most basic email marketing metrics. Of the less than one quarter of all dental & orthodontic facilities that did track this extremely important metric, 1% reported that their opens were over 40%; 4% stated it was 25-40%; 3% claimed 15-25%, and 11% admitted that less than 15% of their emails were actually opened.

Versus Industry Open Rates
The open rates claimed by dental & orthodontic businesses (13.0%) are well below the medians claimed by other major industrial sectors.