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Business Sectors

Email Marketing for the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry is a sprawling sector that incorporates many different businesses, ranging from strictly personal "one on one" enterprises like theatrical, TV and motion picture agents to technical businesses such as camera and equipment rental houses. More so than other sectors, entertainment is extremely diverse and the uptake of email marketing is more likely to have extreme sub-sections (both high and low).

Many content distributors utilize email marketing to promote the sale or rental of their products; others such as technical, engineering and post-production suppliers may rarely engage in the process. Film festival personnel are traditionally heavy email marketing users, while casting agents tend to dismiss even personal email. When it comes to social media there is a similar dichotomy – there are some celebrities who have Twitter followers in the millions, yet the overall level of participation for the entertainment sector is below average.

The actual boundaries of the sector are also blurred. Most forms of multimedia production are firmly within the sector; others, such as location caterers, straddle the division with the food service industry. The primary categories are:

Acting and Casting
Agency and Management
Animation, Graphic Design and Visual Effects
Content Production
Exhibition and Distribution
Film Festivals
Multimedia and Video Games
Post Production
Public Relations

Regardless of the category they fall into, entertainment businesses who rely on selling or renting a product to clients tend to be much heavier users of email marketing, while providers of intangible or highly technical services tend to have a very low use.