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Marketing Goals

Email Marketing for Environmental Services

Environmental Service Email Marketing Goals
Many environmental service business owners and managers are firmly committed to email marketing and see it as fundamental to their company's bottom line. As in any other industry, environmental service business owners and managers are always trying to find new ways to expand their customer base and increase their sales per customer rates. Environmental service executives are realizing that email marketing is an inexpensive and highly effective alternative to traditional print and other media advertising, made even more attractive by a remarkable return on investment of over $40 for every dollar spent.
Short Term Goals
A comprehensive, expertly implemented email marketing campaign designed to meet the requirements of your specific environmental service, as well as your own individual preferences, can be expected to produce these types of results:

Customer participation possibly resulting in expansion of services or products
Additional sales and interest
Extension of online presence and authority
New customers
Same quarter sales
Venture recognition
Word of mouth
Long Term Goals
Over the longer term, environmental service businesses can anticipate that mounting a professionally created and fully featured email marketing campaign will produce:

Enterprise loyalty
Expansion of customer base
Competitive advantage
Higher traffic for a broader range of products and services
Increased cooperation from suppliers and related businesses (equipment, information and supply wholesalers)
Online authority translating to sector market leadership
Trade Media visibility
Year on year sales