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Beginning an Email Campaign

Grocery Email Marketing

The information in this guide, Grocery: Satisfying the Hunger for Information with Email Marketing, was created to provide an overview of email marketing campaigns for the particular use of grocery brand marketers. The statistics within this guide are intended to help businesses improve their promotional efforts with the following techniques:

Planning and applying an email and social media campaign set up to draw in new buyers while retaining current clientele
Understanding applied legislation for email marketing in the grocery industry
Identifying the facts and figures impacting your grocery business' bottom line, as well as the approaches implemented by other grocery business brand marketers around the country
Implementing email marketing campaigns tailored to your grocery enterprise to gain and preserve the greatest benefits possible

This guide utilizes recently published data from studies conducted by grocery businesses and corporations across the United States. Industry experts were asked for information and opinions about their business units across all levels of the sector. These statistics can be located in the Grocery Email Marketing Survey section. The intention of this manual is provide information, as well as a series of questions grocery store marketers should ask themselves of their marketing agendas.