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Metrics: Tracking & Reporting

In December of last year, MarketingSherpa published a survey that uncovered some very interesting details about how email marketers are using their metrics. According to the report, 92% of marketers see the click-through rate as the most effective way to measure their success. Open rates came in second at 90% followed by delivery rates at 81%. What we found noteworthy is that only 36% of marketers use "response by list segment" as an important measure of success, a factor that may indicate they do not understand the value of this particular metric, or do not know how to measure it correctly.

The MarketingSherpa report goes on to demonstrate how email marketers are increasingly using their reports to measure performance by tracking metrics that range from opens to revenue per email.

While your reports can throw a lot of data at you, the issue is not too much information but rather too little focus on the metrics that have specific importance to your business, which according to our observation of MarketingSherpa's recent data, appears to be a common mistake made by marketers. When you know which areas to pay attention to and how to improve them, you have essentially unlocked the answer to improving the performance of your campaigns. Benchmark Email is here with the key.