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Better Content, Better Results

How to Write Email Subject Lines

The Key to Better Content and Better Results
Today’s email marketer is extremely busy. Many of us are up to our necks trying to keep our mailing lists in order, monitor the latest trends to determine which are worthy, and focus on a killer design for our next campaign. We have so much on our plates that it becomes easy to overlook the importance of writing quality copy. It is copy that will motivate the subscriber to take the action that enables us to meet our objectives. And the more we ask of the recipient, the more detailed (and compelling) that request needs to be.

Copy is crucial to a marketer’s success on multiple fronts. It must persuade the user to click the link in your search advertisement, follow the call to action on your landing page, and go through with the purchase of your offer. If you’re an email marketer, effective copy is what gets you through the door and connects you to an audience of engaged readers who will respond to your message.

In this guide, we will highlight how effective copy can improve your subject lines, email content, and results.