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Don't Be Spammy

How to Write Email Subject Lines

Some of those unread messages sitting in the consumer's inbox are just taking up space before being handed their final fate, which is either a trip to the virtual trashcan or spam folder. Disengaged subscribers are clicking away to delete and quarantine unappealing messages sent by the same marketers they opted-in with because they look like spam on the surface. You could suffer the same fate if your subject lines scream spam.

There are three simple things you can do prevent your message from looking like another piece of worthless junkmail:

Curb Your Enthusiasm - You want to create a degree of excitement and urgency, but utilizing CAPS or exclamation points in your subject lines is not the way to go about it. This will only make it seem as if you are yelling at the subscriber. (It is also a gross failure of email etiquette.)
Beware of Word Triggers - There are certain words and phrases that should be left out of your subject line. Because they have been associated with spam, using them could prevent your message from ever reaching its final destination. "Free," "Click Here," "Guarantee," "Subscribe," and "Order Now" are just a few of many that could cause trouble for your email campaigns.
Don't Mislead the Reader - Being a spammer isn't all bad, you can say. Some have had success, and most of the time that success is the direct result of tricking the reader into thinking a message is something it is not. Subject line gimmicks might increase your open rates, but if the reader doesn't find what you promised in that message, a lack of responses could be the least of your worries.