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Benchmark’s Winery Email Marketing

A wine's brand is the essence of its success or failure in the marketplace. The perception and impression of a brand can occur in a fraction of a second, thus each and every aspect of a winery's email marketing has to be audited against the personality the winery is attempting to project through its email campaigns.
Design the Message
The appearance and design of the email content must accurately reflect your brand and create a lasting positive impression on your customers.
Content Relevance
The content and newsletter copy must complement and bolster the core brand message in order to allow the customer to feel confident that their choice of your winery is the correct one.
Landing Pages
The destinations your email campaigns lead consumers to - the landing pages - must reflect your wine brand's identity and values as much as the original email's content.
Opting In
First impressions are exceptionally significant, thus your opt-in and signup pages will determine the expectations and impressions that your customer will have about your wines.
You're Welcome Here
Just like your emails, as well as your landing and signup pages, the autoresponder welcome messages have to reinforce your wine brand identity.