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Benchmark’s Winery Email Marketing

Alongside inadequate segmentation and metrics analysis, the winery industry tends to under-test their email campaigns. The process of drafting a newsletter, blasting it to everyone on the list, and then not even reviewing the statistics, is robbing wineries of extremely important data that can be utilized to significantly boost sales.
Subject Lines
Those few words in the email's top subject line are often all your customer ever sees of your campaign, thus it is imperative that it be finely crafted to encourage opening. Varying just a couple of words can often have a considerable impact on open rates, making extensive subject lines testing a prerequisite to a successful campaign.
Mix Up the Content
Create a variety of graphic and textual content options for each campaign and test each one. In many cases you'll find that even if the basics of the email are identical, switching up the appearance or writing style can have a powerful positive or negative result.
Multiple Landing Pages
The creative variance of email content applies to landing pages as well. A variety of emails should lead to an equally varied spectrum of landing pages based not just on varietal but also on demographics and behavior. Dovetailing these variabilities to your segmentation data can allow you to precisely target to the exact group of prospects.