The latest statistics of the number of Vogue readers are from several years ago, and they show that Vogue has reached 15.7 million readers in the United States. That number definitely has gone up by now, but just imagine how many millions of Vogue readers there are all over the world.

Vogue is constantly enhancing its email marketing strategy because that’s precisely what helps attract new readers and engage them in Vogue’s fresh, original, and compelling content.

Email marketing experts at Vogue are bringing new email trends this year, and you should definitely take a page from their book.

6 Email Trends in Vogue This Year

Take a look at the six email trends that Vogue is following right now so that you can learn something from their strategy and make sure that yours is just as effective.

Attracting Mobile Users

Vogue mobile users

Attracting mobile users definitely isn’t a new concept, but it’s one that a lot of marketers still avoid for some reason. They don’t realize the huge potential of mobile and the importance of engaging mobile users into their brand.

If you still don’t have a good mobile strategy, here’s Vogue to the rescue. Vogue has an app for the digital version of its magazine, which its avid readers can use to stay engaged in their content and all the latest fashion trends anywhere they are, and anytime they want.

But how does Vogue compel its readers to get Vogue for their mobile devices? It sends them an email! In the email screenshot above, you can see Vogue showcasing every tablet it’s available on, enticing its email subscribers to get Vogue for their favorite mobile devices.

If you don’t have an app for your content, simply make sure your website is mobile-friendly, and let your subscribers know it.

Did you know that 94% of people judge websites on responsive web design? Without a mobile-friendly site, you lose lots of opportunities for growth and higher ROI, and your email newsletter is the best tool to promote it and attract mobile users.

Grabbing Attention with Eye-Catching Visuals

Vogue eye-catching visuals

Vogue wouldn’t be where it is now if it hadn’t been providing its readers with beautiful and eye-catching visuals, apart from its original and unique content, of course. This also isn’t a new trend for Vogue, but the magazine does include more and more visuals these days in all its emails.

You can write a compelling email copy to engage new readers but enriching it with compelling visuals will instantly capture your subscribers’ attention.

Take a look at how Vogue does it. In the email shown above, the first thing you see is “VOGUE TREND ALERT”. It instantly grabs attention. The second thing you see is the runway models wearing beautiful pieces of the latest fashion trends. You cannot help but click through to find out more.

And that’s how you engage people. Visuals tap into their emotions and they want to find out more about what you have to say or offer. So, be sure to enrich your every email with irresistible images, infographics, graphs, or anything else that will help you appeal to your audience.

Incorporating Videos in Emails

Vogue video email marketing

According to video marketing statistics by IMPACT, the number of businesses using videos in email increased from 36% to 46% in the past year.

This is because, according to Forbes, 90% of customers say that videos help them with their purchasing decisions, while 64% of customers say that they’re more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it.

Videos are much more powerful than images, and Vogue is one of those numerous businesses that follow the trend of incorporating video content into their emails. In Vogue’s email shown above, Vogue invites its readers to check out its archive and uncover hidden gems that may inspire them and help them improve their fashion style.

Offering Exclusive Content

Vogue email marketing exclusive content

Yet another one of the great ways to capture more email leads is to offer exclusive content. Offer your email subscribers an incentive that they won’t be able to refuse, and you’ll manage to guide them up the engagement ladder and into your sales funnel.

One of the ways Vogue does this is by offering its email subscribers full-year access to exclusive interviews with the biggest names in the fashion industry, top photographers’ images to inspire them, and many other pieces of content regarding fashion trends, style, culture, food, and much more.

Blending Quizzes

Vogue quizzes

With audience engagement taking an edge with email marketing, it has become quite easier for anyone to know their readers’ preferences and shape up their content. Including a quiz or a survey with great title definitely prompts the readers to take it up. Questions about the latest trends and readers’ expectations with upcoming fashion help magazines to shape up their content. These days, the online quiz creator is in trend. Editorials are using such tools to create online quizzes and embed them to their emails or social media pages. This not only helps magazines with their content but also enhances communication.

Including the Readers in Their Brand

Vogue brand inclusion

The best way to truly engage your audience in your brand and form meaningful relationships is to actually include them in what you do. It makes them feel special and builds trust and long-lasting loyalty.

Vogue encourages its readers to share their Vogue story, which may end up being published in one of their next issues. The readers are invited to share their experience with the magazine and tell the world how Vogue has influenced them and made their life better.

If you can find a similar way to connect with your audience and really include them in your brand, you’ll build a strong base of loyal customers who will eventually become your brand advocates.

Do you have an interesting Vogue experience you’d like to share? What about your email marketing? Are you already following these email trends? Are you using some other email strategies that are helping you generate quality leads? Feel free to share your experience in the comments section below!