Your winery’s email newsletter features interesting content about your wines, but why not add a focus on wine’s beneficial effects? Here are some recent studies you can use in your newsletter to prove that wine promotes health:
Moderate Female Wine Drinkers Face Lower Risks of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
According to the October 2010 issue of Heart Rhythm Journal, over 85,000 women who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study who consumed four ounces of wine daily were 46 percent less likely to experience sudden cardiac arrest than abstainers. The women who drank eight ounces of wine per day were 42 percent better off than non-drinkers. The study proved that light and moderate drinking women were also more than 60 percent less likely to develop sudden cardiac arrest.

Wine with Fish Responsible for 20% More Healthy Heart Tissue

In December 2010, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Journal reported on a study that discovered that the hearts of regular wine drinkers who eat fish and seafood have a very significant 20 percent greater amount of heart tissue. This finding is significant in that a cardiovascular system that is able to regularly regenerate itself maintains a more constant rhythm and is generally deemed to be healthier. By correlating the results from 84 separate studies, the researchers concluded that the interaction between regular and moderate consumption of wine and the metabolization of the fish and seafood’s omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is responsible for the cardioprotective effect.

Wine Reduces Arthritis Risk & Severity

Moderate consumption of wine is acknowledged to reduce arthritic inflammation (Rheumatology Journal, August 2010). Researchers examined over 1,800 individuals with radiographs to measure levels of bone and cartilage inflammation and found that abstainers were four times more likely to develop arthritis than the subjects who drank wine in moderation at least ten days every month. The level of inflammation was also lower among the wine drinkers.

Red Wine Consumption Improves Bone Density in Older Men

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported in May 2011 that recent skeletal research studies have found evidence that phytochemicals, such as the polyphenols found in grape skins, are a contributing factor to stronger bones. Researchers measured the bone mineral density (BMD) of over 900 participants with x-rays spaced two years apart. They concluded that men aged 50 to 80 who regularly consumed red wine had a higher BMD than abstainers.

Red Wine Contains a Chemical Used in Type 2 Diabetes Medication

The Food & Function Journal (January 2011) contains a study that found that 100 milliliters of some red wines contained four times the ligands found in a recommended daily dose of GlaxoSmithKline’s Avandia containing rosiglitazone, which is a commercially available drug used to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Ligands contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that attach themselves to cholesterol and transport it to the liver for elimination, a function that avoids metabolic syndrome linked to hypertension

Wine Can Help Counteract Female Weight Gain

From the Archives of Internal Medicine Journal, March 2010, researchers found that women of a normal weight who drink wine in moderation gain less weight over time than abstainers. In studying over 19,000 females over 13 years they found that nearly all of the subjects gained weight, but the lowest level of weight gain was among the group that consumed twelve to sixteen ounces of wine every day. The women who drank this amount of wine regularly were found to have a 30 percent lower risk of escalating into the overweight or obese categories.
Wine Diminishes Side Effects from Radiation Therapy
As reviewed in the July 2009 International Journal of Radiation Oncology, wine components such as resveratrol were acknowledged to provide radioprotective effects in previous research studies. A study of 348 women undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer was carried out over four years. The women who consumed four ounces of wine per day showed the lowest amount of harmful skin toxicity with only 15% of the patients being affected, against 40% in the control group.

Consuming wine in moderation can provide notable health benefits, so spread the word among your email newsletter subscribers and drink up!

Author Bio:

by Hal Licino

Hal Licino is a leading blogger on HubPages, one of the Alexa Top 120 websites in the USA. Hal has written 2,500 HubPage articles on a wide range of topics, some of which have attracted upwards of 135,000 page views a day. His blogs are influential to the point where Hal single-handedly forced Apple to retract a national network iPhone TV commercial and has even mythbusted one of the Mythbusters. He has also written for major sites as Tripology, WebTVWire, and TripScoop.