An email campaign without pictures is like food without salt, trees without leaves, a woman without makeup, Santa Claus without presents…you get the drift. Colorful and engaging photos breath life into an average email, makes the content ten times more interesting, and overall just completes the email.

You can have the best writing skills or the most powerful message in your email, but words on a blank page can only have so much effect on the reader. A good photo will enhance when your message you are trying to share to your readers and leave a more lasting impression. In fact, here are some proven facts about why visual content in email marketing is a necessity.

  1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.
  2. Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don’t.
  3. 67% of consumers are more likely to click on a business whose images appear in search results.
  4. The average person only reads about 20% of text on a regular page.
  5. 65% of people are visual learners.

So as a business owner, what is the best photo sharing service to use in conjunction with your email marketing? Flickr is one of the top sites on the Internet, best rated for its superior editing tools, massive storage space and ease of use. Best of all, you can know integrate your Flickr account with your Benchmark Email account to use together.

This simple integration allows you to personalize your email marketing that will tell a story about who you are and what your business does. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can share your Flickr photos with your friends and subscribers, promote company events, spice up your newsletters and spread the fun with one of the most widely used and beloved image hosting sites on the net. Access Flickr via your Benchmark Email Image Gallery, for free!

To integrate:

  • On Step 4 of your Email Editor, click on the Image option in your Insert Additional Elements Panel
  • In the Insert Image screen, select the Insert from Flickr tab
  • Log in to your Yahoo account and authorize Benchmark Email to access Flickr images
  • Select the desired image and click the Insert button to add it to your email campaign


Infographic Effectiveness Statistics

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Author Bio:

by Dorothy Le

Dorothy Le is living proof that anyone from any background can learn email marketing. As a first-generation Asian American female that went from a strict sheltered home to entering the real world, she is learning, for the first time, what everyone else already knows. That includes how to have your business succeed through online marketing and social media. Be sure to follow her blogs for easy step-by-step posts... with zero intimidation!