Running your business is often seen in two main phases: you sell the product to the customer, and then the customer purchases the product. When it comes to the process of payment, there are times when it may get a little bit sensitive. Especially if you are running an online store, or you offer services that are long term, payments are not just a simple transaction, but require a more complex invoice and details.

Sometimes, miscommunication or disagreement about the invoice can put a wedge between the customer and company’s relationship. It would be so unfortunate if a customer found the exact product or service they are looking for, but are pushed away because of invoice issues. That’s why as a business owner, not only do you have to watch over the products, marketing, branding, etc, but you have to give equal attention to how you present the invoice to your customers. The saying is true; it’s not what you say, but how you say it!

Let’s take a look some examples.

John Lasiter of Qfolio advises to first and foremost have a strong and good relationship with the customer, saying “a really good relationship with our customers always helps with getting paid faster.” Just imagine, would you feel more comfortable giving money to a complete stranger, or someone you have known for a while? Really take the time to make them feel welcomed and that they are in good hands. It really helps to even share about the history of your company and some case studies of how you have helped your previous customers. This will give new customers reassurance that they have came to the right place, and will have no qualms getting their payments in on time.

Another great tip comes from Heather Villa of IAC Professionals, who recommends that you are completely transparent with the entire payment process. She says, “I speak with the client and lead them through the estimate, step by step.” Not only will this help both you and the customer will have a thorough look at the transaction, but it also knocks down any kind of doubt or questions the customer will have. We all loathe those hidden fees or vagueness when it comes to payment, so make sure that your customers never have to go through that!

Once a good relationship has been established, keep growing it through email marketing with the Benchmark Email Freshbooks integration!

Author Bio:

by Dorothy Le

Dorothy Le is living proof that anyone from any background can learn email marketing. As a first-generation Asian American female that went from a strict sheltered home to entering the real world, she is learning, for the first time, what everyone else already knows. That includes how to have your business succeed through online marketing and social media. Be sure to follow her blogs for easy step-by-step posts... with zero intimidation!