There is nothing more beautiful than a marriage being two people who are perfectly compatible together. No wait, there is. A marriage between two different softwares that will work together to grow your contact list and this increase your business.

Benchmark Email is one of the leading email marketing softwares on the web, winning several awards and used by the top companies in the world. Tumblr is one of the fastest-growing blogging platforms today. In fact, TechCrunch had just recently announced that Tumblr overtook Instagram as the fastest growing social app platform.

So what can the integration of Benchmark and Tumblr do for you?

Using Tumblr will increase the visibility of your company site. As you have heard many times before, social media marketing with content and blogs is no marketing at all. In order to reach out and grab the audience these days, it takes more than a TV commercial or a magazine ad to convince them to use your products. They need content that delivers value and information in a genuine way.

How else are you going to promote your blogs and inform your customers that you have new content except through email marketing? By placing a subscribe button onto your Tumblr page, your readers can sign up with their email address to receive updates, blog previews, or anything else that you wish to send out.

That is where the magic of growing your email list begins. Having a connection to a core group is vital to increasing your content visibility, which increases visits to your website, which will then eventually increase your business. The key components to remember is provide content that customers will want to read; not in-your-face hard sell, but something informative, creative, and a little humor never hurts!

When combined with the power of email marketing, you will able to implement target marketing, where you segment your contact list into different groups depending on how long they have been following you, or if they have specifics interests or needs from you. A surefire way to turn customers off is if you send them things that are too general (looks a little spammy), or something they aren’t interested in. With segmented contact lists, you can customize the campaigns for each group and what they specifically need.

Author Bio:

by Dorothy Le

Dorothy Le is living proof that anyone from any background can learn email marketing. As a first-generation Asian American female that went from a strict sheltered home to entering the real world, she is learning, for the first time, what everyone else already knows. That includes how to have your business succeed through online marketing and social media. Be sure to follow her blogs for easy step-by-step posts... with zero intimidation!