Last week we introduced our original white paper on email marketing for Associations & Organizations. Our latest manual, Automotive Dealership Marketing: Email Campaigns Driving Sales, is aimed at automotive and motorcycle dealerships that are looking to expand their business in the age of social media and online planning.

More and more consumers are migrating online. With websites now specifically catering to those looking for used but reliable cars, investigating the history of not only models but also owners, dealers and manufacturers, and participating in forums to share lemon horror stories, sticking solely with traditional media is no longer an option. Benchmark is committed to bringing the most up to date marketing tactics to the fore with email marketing campaigns tailored specifically for dealerships.

Learn about the current state of email marketing amongst automotive dealerships in the US and Canada and compare industry open and click-through rates. We’ll run you through Benchmark’s standard features, the deluxe packages and everything you need to grow your dealership’s online presence. But there’s only so much I can say in a blog. Follow the above link to the manual’s landing page and download the free PDF right now or read it directly on our website.

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.