Basic question: is your business online? If you’re reading this then I’ll go out on a limb and assume the answer is yes. Let me ask you another question, how’s it been working for you?

Benchmark Email wants to know. In fact, Benchmark Email is calling out to the small businesses and the companies that cater to small businesses to find the answer to what is perhaps this decade’s most pertinent question: how do you grow, improve and optimize your online marketing presence?

Here’s how it works: if you’d like to represent your business by sharing what tools or platforms are invaluable to online marketing, drop us a line. Every month, Benchmark will give you a forum to discuss what enhances and what belittles a company trying to market beyond traditional media. Are you burning to share the triumphs and tribulations of your company? Is there an industry product that makes internet marketing convenient, efficient, and most importantly, affordable? Join Benchmark as we expand beyond the world of email and forge connections with the entrepreneurial community. This is the first of a series of strides that Benchmark will take in the coming year to bring small businesses together and give you the resources you need to succeed with social media, search engine optimization, and cultivating brand recognition.

Lest we get ahead of ourselves, let’s cover what this definitely is NOT. This is not ad space. This is not a place to rant. This is an opportunity for direct B2B engagement.

Benchmark is offering one blog per month, every month, approved and written by your company’s representative to discuss and explore online marketing. How have certain tools or practices benefited your growth in your particular industry? To learn more and submit an article, email me.

In the meantime, prepare for the insights and evaluations of your peers in the online and small business arena. The year is still fresh and Benchmark Email has some great surprises in store!

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.