How can you leverage treasure hunts for more sales? What’s the best way to market your online goods to young adults? How do you take those boring purchase confirmation emails and turn them into up-selling goodness?

We’re a little late giving you our Beyond Benchmark update for October, but that’s because we’ve been overwhelmed by the awesome knowledge our team delivered in guest posts last month. Here’s a quick list of October articles that you can definitely use for your business.

Denise Keller on Business Insider

Confirmation emails are like paper towels. Do you need them? Yes. Do you get excited about them? We’re guessing no. The average confirmation email is a bare-bones, plain text email telling you that you bought something and your order went through. But did you know you can spruce up those emails with effective marketing copy that can bring in more bucks from the receiver? Dig into COO Denise Keller’s Business Insider article covering this important topic and Turn Boring Confirmation Emails into Marketing Tools.

Denise Keller on Youngentrepreneur

Let’s face it: if you don’t like treasure hunts, you have no soul. Okay, that’s going a bit far, but finding a cool item that exists in very limited amounts can definitely give a person a warm feeling inside. Denise Keller tackles the phenomenon of treasure hunts and how you, as an online marketer or ecommerce seller, can use treasure hunts to excite customers and drum up business. Adding email to the treasure hunt mix is also covered, so visit Young Entrepreneur to learn how Email Marketers Can Leverage Online Treasure Hunts.

Hal Licino on Practical Ecommerce

When it comes to online savvy, young adults have it all. Cool smart phones. Social media prowess. A fantastic grasp of Twitter and texting. Overall, this means that email marketing to a college student or someone just out of high school is wildly different than promoting your stuff to Baby Boomers. Are you ready to write snappy, abbreviated copy, integrate your newsletters with social media campaigns and more? If you’re looking to tackle the young adult market with email newsletters, our resident guru Hal Licino gives you A Primer on Email Marketing to Young Adults.

Author Bio:

by Jennifer Perez

Jennifer Perez, publicist for Benchmark Email, is a former reporter for the Los Angeles Times, the co-author of three books, and an award-winning freelance writer with work published in Entrepreneur Magazine, and other high-profile outlets.