August 26 is National Dog Day. That’s right. Man’s best friend has its own day. Sure, not everybody is a dog person. But the people that are dog people are very much so. Dog people are going to react very strongly to an email campaign honoring their pets (or “children,” depending on their level of crazy).

Don’t believe me about people’s affinity for dogs? My dad was against my family getting a dog for many years. He finally relented after pressure from my mom, brother and I. It quickly became his dog. So much so that in his office is a large, blown up picture of our dog. Sure, there’s a picture of my brother and I as well. The difference? It’s small and outdated. Both of us are still wearing glasses, and we’ve been wearing contacts for at least a decade.

Still not convinced? Try it out. The cat people on your list may scoff – I’m sure they have their own day too; I just don’t care. I’m a dog person. It may seem like a niche industry that you’re not sure how to market to. Anything that is going to make for a happy dog owner, should make for a happy dog. Restaurants especially can take advantage. Perhaps a restaurant could offer larger portions on National Dog Day. That’ll leave more food for the doggie bags!