You could say we here at Benchmark Email are a friendly bunch. We each bring something to the company that supports the overall mission: dedicated (and patient) support, expert management, first-class writers, innovative programmers, persuasive sales, and a top-quality email service that is both reliable and comprehensive. Mostly we are in the business of building connections: engaging users and facilitating communication between small businesses or professionals and their subscribers.

But Benchmark is uniquely attuned to the needs of organizations that are beyond commercial transactions. Associations & organizations that are both membership and service based, as well as charity based, have a great commitment to connection. As the online toolbox expands, so too does the need for associations to ensure that their membership can conveniently (and efficiently) keep in close contact. Such organizations span a range of membership: the American Bird Conservancy, the Brookings Institution, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Oxfam, Black Owned Beauty Supply Association, National Mining Association and Women’s Council of Realtors are a handful of varying associations and organizations that have extremely divergent mission statements. And yet they all rely on one essential element: people.

If you are an association or organization looking to sign up new members, spread the word about your cause or just draw your current membership together, email is your prime communication. Larger associations have subscription lists of over 100,000, according to DonorCentrics, and the associations and organizations that specialize in fundraising raise on average 250% more online than those with smaller subscriber lists. Benchmark has your association or organization in mind, whether for minimal membership or for those exceeding one million – premium plans, beginner plans and everything in between.

Whether specializing in donations or engagements, connections are vital to your essential element. With Benchmark Email you have access to the definitive collection of email marketing features: metrics and analysis, real time tracking reports, targeted list segmentation, list management, online surveys and polls, easy to create signup forms and so much more. But in truth, none of that would matter without the round the clock support and resources of an attentive email service provider. Like I said, we’re a friendly bunch at Benchmark Email and we like to see our customers happy. That’s why we are constantly improving our site and adding resources to help you build better email campaigns. Our latest white paper on optimizing your industry has arrived: Associations & Organizations: Empowering Your Membership through Email Marketing.

This free email marketing guide will introduce you to the current state of email marketing among associations and organizations, compare opens, segmentation, click-throughs and returns by affiliation or history, prescribe improvements and detail Benchmark’s standard features and special programs. We believe in the one essential element, people, because we are dedicated to forging the connections that will benefit you and your local and global membership. The guide is available via download or directly from our website. Check it out and feel free to peruse the rest of our growing manual selection. Contact us by phone or live chat or attend a live, daily Benchmark Editor Webinar.

When you need us, Benchmark is here to answer questions and to unlock your great potential for online marketing. Make the call, download the manual and give Benchmark the chance to be your email marketing solution.

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.