Most email marketing experts warn you against sending too frequently or even too infrequently. But few address the basic concept of consistency in your email marketing campaigns. In other words,  not sending on a regular basis is the same as sending too frequently or infrequently.

Imagine email marketing to be like a new relationship. If you see the other person on a regular basis, you get some steam going. You build trust. Things feel more natural and normal. But if you show up twice in one week, but not for the next two months, things are going to be weird. And it’s exactly the same with your email marketing recipients.

So, how do you do it? How do you create a plan that makes certain you send your emails on a regular basis? We’ve got some tips for you, so keep reading:

1. Create an editorial calendar

Editorial calendars are what magazine editors and writers use to keep track of what they’re doing months or weeks ahead. As an email marketer, you should create the same kind of calendar.  Mark the days that you plan on sending your emails. Now, try to figure out what you’ll focus on during those days. For instance, suppose you run a stationary shop. You don’t know for certain what you’ll be doing six months from now, but you can guess that you’ll probably be gearing up for wedding season, Easter, and even college graduation. Ballpark it and mark your calendar and you’ll always know how much time you’ll need to get your specific emails together.

2. Appoint a newsletter guardian

Running a business takes lots of time, which is why many business owners and managers tend to shuffle their company email and newsletter campaigns to whoever seems to have a light moment. But by not giving your email or newsletter to the same person every time, you’re not only putting out a different product each time, but you’re increasing your chances that your email will be sent out irregularly. To combat this scenario, make your email the job of only one responsible person. Let that person shepherd it from start to finish. Not only will this person make sure it goes out on time, but they’ll be there to make sure everyone turns in what they need (artwork, shipping schedules, product schematics) long before the email campaign is finally sent.

3. Bank Evergreen copy

Start putting together copy for your newsletter that can be used at any time. This copy might include  tips on how to use a product, or even a how-to list that helps recipients save time and money. The key to this copy is to have it ready to drop in when you’re short on time and need to fill space in your email campaign or company newsletter. So, how do you create this copy? Every day, create a task for yourself. Come up with one tip on how to save money, one “do you know?” factlet about your realm of business, or even just one way customers can use your products or services that they might not have known about previously. Add these things up and in a month, you should have at least three or four articles or tip sheets you can use in a pinch.

4. Create custom email or newsletter departments

Break your newsletter or email down into sections. What do you write about each time? New features? General industry news? Tips? Once you have a good idea of what you’ve been doing every time, you can adjust your template accordingly so that all you need to do is drop in the appropriate section-focused text or images every single time. The key to this exercise is not to reinvent the wheel, but rather come up with a system that helps you easily stick with a schedule.

As an email marketer, you want a routine that you can stick to all the time, even during the busiest parts of the year. By putting these measures into place, you’ll know well ahead of time how much time you’ll need to dedicate to every single newsletter, and exactly what’s needed both text and art-wise to keep your campaigns on schedule.

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by Benchmark Team