Autosuggest is a helpful tool that helps a user find an existing record in a lookup field (a field that relates to another record).

What is Auto Suggest?

By typing the start of the name or subject in an input field, any matching records will appear as a list under the input field. The user can just click on the name or subject to select it.


How can I be sure the autosuggested record I’ve clicked is the correct record?

Once you’ve selected a record in a lookup field, it will be listed with a VIEW link next to it. Just click on it to view the selected record in a new tab.


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Author Bio:

by Paul Rijnders

Paul Rijnders is the Product Strategy Manager for Benchmark Email, where his focus includes product development, research, technical writing, feature development, testing and launching of SaaS products and iOS apps that interact with our software via API. He is the human junction between the executive and marketing teams that request the product, the IT team that builds the back end, the design team that creates the front end, the content team that gives the product a voice and the eager sales and support teams who will eventually take delivery of the product. Paul is a product of the CSUF advertising program, He now rounds out his schedule teaching college level courses to multi-media undergrads on two California campuses.