Remember earlier this year when McDonalds started that #McDStories hashtag that had everyone reminiscing about pink slime, more than chicken in their nuggets, and kitchen critters? Harnessing technology can have great marketing potential in the right hands, but a simple mistake can be epically embarrassing for a brand.

In Illinois last year, the idea to put a QR code on a highway billboard somehow passed through the marketing team at Volkswagen and made it into fruition. As most of the world can see how this might be a dangerous idea and a waste of money for VW, QR codes work best in places viewers can reach- safely.

HTC failed big time when they released a video to promote its newest phone. In conjunction with Funny or Die, they created a satirical video, which ended up insulting the intelligence of their customers. They pulled this and all associated videos a few days after their launch.

Lattice Engines has compiled some of the most memorable marketing #fails, along with tips to avoid these potential pitfalls, in the infographic below. These examples show that new technologies require new training, and marketing should be left to the professionals.

Lattice Marketing Fail

Author Bio:

by Kelsey Cox

Kelsey Cox is the Director of Communications at Column Five, a creative agency specializing in infographics, data visualization, interactives, and digital PR. She is passionate about the future of digital content, advertising, branding and good design. She also really enjoys the beach, cooking, and craft beer.