If you are not incorporating behavioral targeting in your email marketing strategy, then you are not doing email marketing right. These days, we can’t just mass send the same generic cold emails to everyone in hopes that we will gain their business. The right marketer would know their customer’s needs and actions, and will customize their marketing for each customer.

Of course as an online business owner you already have the necessities on your site: products, description, payment system, and a sweet thank you email sent to your customers’ inboxes for their business. Those things are just the backbone of your online business. Every other ecommerce has those items too, so how can you make yours not only stand out, but give your customers to keep coming back?

It’s all about the special deals. Customers love to get more bang for their buck and if your company offers promotions, coupons…basically where they can get more freebies, then heck yeah they would stay on your site! So that’s why as the business owner need to make sure you have those deals abundantly available for them.

There are lot of ways you can do this. Just recall the last time you logged on to your favorite online store. Remember those “Join our mailing list and get a free coupon code “Like our Facebook page for a 10% discount off your next purchase.” Come on, admit it, you know you scurried over to their Facebook page and liked it! On-site promotions have been proven to successfully increase sales and engagement with customers. It’s a fair exchange in which both the company and customers will benefit.

That’s why Justuno is a must have tool for every business owner to use. It has features that will give your customers incentive to stay on your site, including special promotions that pop on their screen at the opportune times, free coupon code if they like your social media pages, etc.

Even better, Justuno integrates with Benchmark Email, allowing you to automatically add newly acquired email addresses directly to the email list of your choice. Not only are you growing your list with Justuno, but you can also send a customizable follow up email to the visitor containing the promo code. It’s a great way to engage site visitors and provide a way for them to stay on your site and convert sales.

Author Bio:

by Dorothy Le

Dorothy Le is living proof that anyone from any background can learn email marketing. As a first-generation Asian American female that went from a strict sheltered home to entering the real world, she is learning, for the first time, what everyone else already knows. That includes how to have your business succeed through online marketing and social media. Be sure to follow her blogs for easy step-by-step posts... with zero intimidation!