Keen observers of the Benchmark blog will note that a new email marketing manual released today would mean that three such guides have been released within the past seven days. Is it some form of online skulduggery? A trick of the monitor contrast setting? No, friends, it is nothing of the sort. Today, Benchmark Email is happy to present its latest guide, How to Get Better User Feedback. But how did it get here so fast? As Queen says, “It’s a kind of magic.”

Better User Feedback focuses on taking the initiative with customers, not in an overbearing way, but in the way that the shifting landscape of the internet demands: on equal terms. The term “user” is integral to how you market your services or products online. By contrast, a consumer is simply that, with nothing to say and everything to spend. Users are in on the experience, actually want to offer feedback and can lash out with fair or damning praise depending on their experience.

This manual provides insight on how to get your message to the discerning user, generating content that is relevant and fresh and then encouraging the user to share what they like. Testing, polling, surveys and psychographics all have a part to play and will ultimately mold the expectations of those interested in your product. But to properly mold those expectations, a producer must remain honest and open to the users who will ultimately choose to purchase, ignore or slam it.

Check out How to Get Better User Feedback by clicking on the link above and downloading the PDF or read it on our site. Benchmark’s online resources are growing and we’re pleased to offer you all sixteen of our current email marketing manuals for free. Visit the page and check them out. And in the spirit of better user feedback, leave us some comments to let us know what guides and manuals you’d like to see in the future!

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.