Season’s Greetings. Happy Holidays. Everyone knows there are holidays going on this time of year. We have time off work, people travel home to see family and friends, and there are office parties. In today’s politically correct world, we are told not to offend people by saying Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah. Instead, we should say Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings. That way, we aren’t pretending like there isn’t something special going on.

It’s a special time of year for most people. Failure to acknowledge that fact is a missed opportunity for a business. Your best bet is to treat it like elementary school where everyone is a winner and nobody is left out.

Unless you are in a highly specialized industry, your subscribers likely come from all walks of life. They will probably be celebrating something during the month of December. If they’re like me, they’ll be looking for the best and cheapest holiday deals. Wish your subscribers a Happy Holidays, and show off those great holiday promotions.

Free Benchmark Happy Holiday Templates from Benchmark Email

Sample subject lines:

  • Seasons greetings from [your company]
  • Happy holidays and seasons greetings
  • Enjoy your holidays and these savings
  • Have a merry and happy holidays
  • Spreading holiday cheer with these specials
  • Check out more December and holiday email templates by following the link.


Author Bio:

by Pradeep Kushwah