With the advancements in technology and access to the internet, everyone from kids to grannies are filming and posting videos to YouTube daily.

Videos are not just for YouTube viewers, over 500 years of YouTube videos are watched every day on Facebook. So the question is: Why aren’t you using videos to promote your business?

To find out what the biggest challenge or barrier is to making videos I went to Facebook to find out why.

  • Christel said… “I have the ideas but no ability to execute, I have video-dyspraxia.”
  • Kim said… “the ‘Guts’ to get in front of the camera.”
  • Patricia said… “knowing how to make appropriate, professional videos.”

This is only a small sample, but probably an excellent summary of the fears that come to mind when thinking of Video Blogging.

So how do you get past the fears! You Get Creative.

Break the whole process down into these steps and you will be uploading your videos in no time at all.

  • Document what you would record if you were not afraid. Write down the subjects of the videos. What they would look like? Who would be in them? How would you present the story to the viewers?
  • Connect with people that can help: Clients that LOVE what you do for them. Perhaps they are ready, willing and able to get in front of the camera and share a testimonial. There could be a co-worker, family member or friend that can help with the piece and you could do an interview type of video.
  • Get the technology to do the job. This will be determined by your budget and level of experience. Personally, the easier the better; the Flip video camera I use makes it simple for me to create, edit and upload videos in no time at all. With your smart phone you can also make great quality videos.

Play, Practice and have FUN. Be creative and yes you will make mistakes. Perfection paralysis be gone…be real. This is what your customers want: more of You!

Put Elaine’s tips into action and win a GoPro HD Hero to get your video blogging efforts started. All you have to do is subscribe to the Benchmark Email YouTube channel and you’ll be entered to win. We will pick one of our followers and announce the winner on Monday, August 20th at 9:00 AM PDT.

Author Bio:

by Elaine Shannon

A powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm packed into a four-foot, ten-inch frame, Elaine has been pinned as "The Empress of Inspiration," and is well-known for her talents in networking and connecting others, locally and via social networking. Her expertise in organizing and streamlining shows up in every facet of her life and work. Simplify is her theme word. Elaine is fueled by the success of her clients. While clients and followers respect her industry knowledge immensely, they also trust Elaine deeply as she gently assists them through a process to uncover and deal with issues that have been blocking their success, in many cases, for years.