Thanksgiving is almost here and the fat kid in me rejoices! Unfortunately, this also marks the kick-off of the most intense shopping season of the year. Masses take to the streets to hunt for the best deals and it is a brutal scene. I’m proud to say that I have never ventured out shopping on the god forsaken day after Thanksgiving, a.k.a Black Friday – bringing to light a few things I am and have consistently been thankful for over the past few years.

Thank You, Cyber Monday

For many years, Black Friday was your only option to score the best deals during the holiday shopping season. Cyber Monday is merely several years old and, from my perspective, has only recently upped it’s game with the sales offered in the past few years. Prior to the competitive deals offered on the Monday after Thanksgiving, I simply came to accept having to overpay for all my holiday gifts and get my shopping done before all the madness hit the shopping centers. At last I get a hearty piece of the holiday sale pie! So, for Cyber Monday, I (and my bank account) give much thanks.

Thank You, Pinterest

I don’t usually struggle with gift ideas, but I have on occasion drawn blanks for some people. Pinterest has become a great new ally in fishing for gift ideas. Whether I’m trying to figure out overall general interest or a specific item they’re currently geeking out over, the answer is usually on Pinterest. The ability to easily find gifts ideas for people that they’ll surely love? Thanks, Pinterest!

Thank You, Remote Work

Let’s be honest, the holiday insanity extends well beyond Black Friday and working remotely keeps me out of harms way for the most part. During the holidays, people tend to be distracted and stressed, making the roads that much more fun and safe to be on. Working remotely lets me opt out of driving in this mess as much as possible and for this, I am extremely thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you thankful for?

Author Bio:

by Aidan Hiljeh

Aidan Hijleh is a freelance copywriter and serves as the Non-Profit Partnership Liaison for Benchmark Email.