This past weekend was a big holiday event for many people. Gift-wrap, bows and ribbon filled my house as I sorted through the gifts I had purchased for various relatives and friends. I realized in the middle of it all that I had given more to those who I had spent the most time with in the last six months or so. My relationship with those friends and family members had been strengthened by the amount of interaction we had and I wanted to show my appreciation to them for being a part of my life.

Many businesses take the same approach when it comes to their customers. Awesome coupons and discounts are usually given to those who are actively involved with the business. With that in mind, are you aware that you can view how active a subscriber has been in the last 90 days with your email blasts? Our system will tell you which email campaigns were sent to them, how many they opened and whether they clicked on any links or forwarded the email to others. This information can be useful to you when gauging which contacts you may want to reward for loyalty. This can also be used to clear out subscribers who have lost interest in the emails you send.

In order to see the Email History of a subscriber in the last 90 days, simply click on the email address of the subscriber from within any list. Then click on the link from the right side of your screen that says, “View Email History.” You will be directed to a screen that looks like this:

If I were evaluating this subscriber, I would be able to see that she has opened all three of the emails I sent her in the last 90 days but did not click on any links I might have included. I may want to encourage more interaction by using more efficient call-to-action phrases in my next campaign and see if that makes any difference.

Be sure to check out your subscribers’ email history the next time you have a promotion or are just curious to see who is actively involved with your campaigns. Remember, it can be nice to show and receive appreciation for good customer loyalty, and will help to maintain a strong contact list.

Author Bio:

by Michelle Allen

A former member of Benchmark's Sales & Support team, Michelle enjoys writing on both a professional and creative level. Her passion to help others has led her to writing the support blog for Benchmark Email clients. Whether you are a newbie to email marketing or a seasoned veteran, keep an eye out for her blogs with helpful tips and tricks in using the Benchmark Email services.