Experienced event marketers don’t have to be told to make sure that their campaigns integrate creating a proper hashtag, have an incentive for early registration, and leverage social media for all it’s worth. However, they may not be aware of some of the most effective event marketing tips that very few ever actually use. These top tips can make the difference between keeping up with the competition and zooming past so that they can eat your dust. Try them out and discover for yourself how they can turbo boost just about every aspect of your event marketing.

1. Cross your social streams – In order to keep spreading the interest generation activities around the most popular social networks, if one of your followers on Google+ mentions something about your event, thank them on Twitter or Facebook.

2. Keep sending registration emails – Far too many event marketers send out a single email and then are disappointed with the lack of returns. Most people don’t react to the first email they receive about an event, and in many cases even the second or the third one. Keep sending all the way up to your event’s date.

3. Market until the opening minute – There are a huge number of people who professional procrastinators, so they will wait until the last possible second to register for your event. Cater to these attendees by keeping your marketing going right up to the very end.

4. Provide a particular space for venue photo ops – In your physical venue set a clearly signed space aside for photo opportunities with presenters, dignitaries and celebrities. Make sure that you post as many of these photos as possible on your event’s social network presences.

5. Provide a particular opportunity for online photo ops – Just because your event is online rather than at a physical venue doesn’t mean that you have to forget about photo ops. Your attendees will love receiving a screenshot of them asking a question on a Google Hangout or Skype Group Conference.

6. Execute a publicity stunt – Guerilla marketing for your event is by far the most cost effective way to obtain visibility which translates into attendees, so let your imagination run wild. Read up on the great publicity stunts event marketers have pulled in the past and get inspired.

7. Podcast everything – If a word is spoken in your event then it merits being available for all eternity in the form of a podcast. Maximize the value of the content generated in your event by creating a series of podcasts which online users can listen to at any time in the future to gain the benefits your attendees have.

8. Name your event in a memorable way – Naming your event The 87th Annual Convention Of Hydraulic Pump Engineers is guaranteed to put even the worst insomniacs to sleep, so come up with something catchier such as Pump Me Up, Get Pumped, or The Pump Stomp as a main head title with the boring but more scriptive one as a subtitle.

9. Surprise your attendees – Don’t just think of attendees as cattle once they’ve bought their ticket, so surprise them while they’re at the venue! Tape a trinket, special event ticket, or discount voucher under each seat and tell them all to look for it at a key point in your event. For online events, provide them with a surprlink to a valuable download.

10. Have activities for family members – Definitely saved the best for last here as if you have a physical venue event and aren’t doing this you’re losing out on a significant percentage of ticket sales: You’d be surprised how many attendees would love to be at your venue event but can’t get a babysitter or convince their husband how great it will be to spend six hours in crochet workshops. Providing supervised activities for the kiddies and gender-keyed areas for spouses such as sports TVs for the men and craft or fashion presentations for the women can provide a huge boost to your attendance.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t implement all ten of these tips, so what are you waiting for?

Author Bio:

by Hal Licino

Hal Licino is a leading blogger on HubPages, one of the Alexa Top 120 websites in the USA. Hal has written 2,500 HubPage articles on a wide range of topics, some of which have attracted upwards of 135,000 page views a day. His blogs are influential to the point where Hal single-handedly forced Apple to retract a national network iPhone TV commercial and has even mythbusted one of the Mythbusters. He has also written for major sites as Tripology, WebTVWire, and TripScoop.