There are a number of effective ways to stir up traffic on a website. Some of the most frequently used methods include creating a contention, a heated debate or starting a discussion on issues. The underlying factor of all these methods revolves around emotion. This does not mean that websites need to post insulting or vulgar content on their sites; the aim here is to invoke visitors’ interest, inform them about new and interesting thoughts and opinions and draw them into the discussion that is taking part on your site by playing on their genuine interest.

1. So when it comes to polls, what type of questions should you ask?

The best type of question to ask is those that do not have a right or wrong answer. These are perfect for starting interesting and intense debates which will draw in a lot of different opinions, views and thoughts. Such questions are great for starting continuing discussions as they are open to all types of interpretation. You can also provide your visitors with a specific scenario and then ask them what they would do in such a situation. Such questions are great for generating a full scale debate.

2. Let your visitors take the reins

Give your visitors the lead when it comes to your website. Website polls are a superb way to get their opinions on what their preferences are when it comes to blog posts, pictures, videos or even exciting challenges. Avoid open ended questions; provide your visitors with a variety of alternatives that they can select from. Try and make your options as fascinating and out of the box as possible; uniqueness draws a lot more attention than normal boring options!

3. Use polls to test products

It is not an easy or inexpensive task to test how well your product will sell. However with polls you can benefit by asking your visitors targeted and explicit questions as well as questions designed to give you important feedback. This will give you a good idea of what they expect from your product and will help to significantly lower your risk. Asking visitors questions like would they would prefer a pink umbrella to a purple one gives you valuable information when it comes to selling your product. Once the basic questions have been answered you can evaluate your feedback and create more defined questions. The answers to your questions can then be tested in other ways to ascertain their accuracy; the final feedback can then be used.

4. Follow up on your poll

Always let your visitors know what’s going on with your poll. If you have placed a debatable question on your poll, ensure that you place a sensible and intriguing comment that responds to it within a short span of time. Similarly, if you asked your visitors for feedback with regards to a particular product, be sure to inform them about the results of their feedback and how you are going to use their responses. Whatever contributions your visitors have made in terms of answers, feedback and opinions, you need to let them know the effect that their responses have had. This helps your visitors feel like they are a part of your experience and makes them feel like they have a bond with you and your website.

5. Start your own poll now!

Don’t take our word for it. Create a poll for yourself and watch it take off!

Our website poll is:
Can be created in minutes!
Requires no coding or installation!

It’s extremely easy to use and is absolutely worth a shot! So try it out now!

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by Benchmark Team