By now, you must have heard about marketing automation. Some may see it as a buzz-word of the moment, and some others may be taking it very seriously, but what is it and why does it matter?

Marketing Automation refers to a piece of software that allows you to (as its name says) automate sales and marketing actions or processes.

The scope of actions can range from: welcoming your new subscribers to even retargeting leads that may have gone cold. How far you go with it will usually depend on the nature of your business, and your creativity.

What is true is that Marketing Automation makes repetitive marketing and sales tasks be performed with little effort.

A statement that marketers agree with, according to VB insight, Three-quarters of marketers say the biggest benefit of automation is saving time. Other benefits include increased customer engagement (68%), more timely communications (58%) and increased opportunities such as upselling (58%).

What can you do with it?

What to use marketing automation for

I use this phrase more than I’d like to, but: The possibilities are endless.

Nurturing your customers helps them be more engaged with your business or product and Offering them what you know is needed to convert them at the right time can be a game changer for your business or product.

Actions like turning a one-time customer into a repeat customer, upselling, cross-selling, cycle-based selling, etc. Are strategies that if automated will not only give you more time to focus on getting new leads but always keep the machine going.

Are you In need of customer feedback? You can take your marketing game to the next level by giving users that completed your survey a special ‘thank you’ offer, and even think of a reward program if they share your content.

Conducting awesome strategies like these without automation would require a large amount of time and leave other important strategies neglected in the background.


Fear of Marketing Automation in some marketers is very real and sometimes understandably so. Usually, when you hear of all the great things you can do with MA it can be very exciting, but for some, it can quickly get intimidating especially once they start thinking of the time they have to set aside to define things such as content and customer flows.

#FOMA Fear Of Marketing Automation

Overcoming this fear is actually very simple, once you find out that: Four in five users increased their leads by using marketing automation software and almost as many (77%) saw an increase in conversions. That is a lot of saved time for sales and marketing.

So, this fear may be depriving you of reaping great benefits that you could be in need of.

Should you invest in Marketing Automation?

Can Marketing Automation be beneficial to your business? In very simple terms: yes it can.

Now, Should you invest in marketing automation? That’s for you to answer, but ask yourself before you decide: Do you see an opportunity to grow indicators such as the number of qualified leads you generate? Do you think you can get more from your customers by engaging in a smarter way with them? Do you see steps of your sales funnel that are neglected and need nurturing?

A smart thing to do is to calculate your Customer Lifetime Value to help you understand how much you should invest in acquiring new customers and retaining them, our friends at Shopify did a great job on making a step by step guide on how to figure that number out.

At Benchmark, if you already use Benchmark Email Pro you will have access to our automation platform: Automation Pro at no extra cost, all templates, all actions.

We believe in how much it will benefit our customers that we have created a series of live weekly webinars where we answer all questions you may have about Automation Pro and marketing automation in general.

Want to waste no time? You can chat with a specialist today.

Author Bio:

by Adrastos Cruz

I serve as a Marketing Design Manager for Benchmark, and I truly believe that Design is not mandatory for your brand to live but absolutely imperative for it to thrive. As for a Bio: it's all still happening, stay tuned.