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社群媒体评论:推特支持 Do Not Track
Legions of people love to browse the virtually unlimited depths of the web, but not all feel comfortable about the tracks they leave behind. This is the very reason movements...
August 8, 2012
Yahoo! 为何控告 Facebook
Facebook has made quite a few enemies over its eight year history. Some are serious threats to its dominance. Others are viewed as mere blips on the radar. Facebook may...
May 1, 2012
Google 眼镜寻求大众注目(和正当化的理由)
Google aims to change the world one new technology at a time. But for all its success, the internet giant...
April 23, 2012
沉默的巨人:Facebook 和 Do Not Track 的关系
The Obama administration recently introduced the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, a proposal that aims to provide internet users with...
April 5, 2012
Facebook 的五種新廣告形式即將上市
Last month, social networking giant Facebook held its first Facebook Marketing Conference at the American Museum of Natural History in...
March 26, 2012
反仿冒贸易协议是什么?ATCA 简介
SOPA and PIPA were met with so much resistance from the internet community, several key politicians in Washington decided to...
March 20, 2012
泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议(TPP):SOPA 的变形回归?
The internet community may have scored a big victory when SOPA and PIPA were shot down, but with online piracy...
March 12, 2012
后 Megaupload 时代:网络盗版方兴未艾
不久之前,線上檔案分享網站 MegaUpload 被抄的事件至今仍餘波盪漾。不只因為 PIPA 和 SOPA 仍高踞話題排行榜前兩位,更因為這齣抄斬事件所引發的各種爭議。就在美國法務部查封 Megaupload 的數位資產之後沒多久,數個主要的美國政府和娛樂產業網站一一癱瘓,幕後黑手是著名的駭客集團:Anonymous。這一連串事件裡最值得玩味的一點,或許是 Megaupload 被抄對整個對抗網路盜版行動根本毫無助益,一切顯得如此徒勞無功。 非法下載熱潮未歇 密西根當地媒體 DeepField Networks 所提出的報告〈後 Megaupload 時代的檔案分享〉指出,法務部查抄 Megaupload 的舉動對抵制盜版的作用有如滄海一粟。 曾經是全球最大的檔案分享網站,網路流量驚人地獨佔全球百分之四十。事實上,Megaupload...
March 7, 2012
Privacy is a huge deal in this interconnected world we live in. The more devices consumers use to transmit and...
February 27, 2012