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It took a bilingual employee to explain to the execs at GM Canada that the Buick LaCrosse was failing in the quarter of the Canadian market that speaks French, as...
December 1, 2011
TellTale 遊戲網路評分系統,使用者的報復
In an online world where it seems that users are asked to review and rate everything from the latest movies and albums to diet programs and cleaning products, it was...
November 30, 2011
行銷過頭? 你的無線網路公司正在跟蹤你
A recent blog by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has sparked widespread debate on the propriety of wireless providers...
November 28, 2011
Every freelancer or consultant working in the creation of online content has met this client: The one who is convinced...
November 23, 2011
It was a good run. For almost two decades anyone with an internet connection could blithely view any first run...
November 15, 2011
英籍印度小說家賽爾曼魯西迪(Salman Rushdie)也許是本世代最出名(有些人可能會說是惡名昭彰)的作家之一。這位寫出《魔鬼詩篇》的作者曾在數個伊斯蘭國家被強烈撻伐,伊朗精神領袖霍梅尼甚至對他下達追殺令。他不僅是小說界的巨星,也享受巨星般的生活─他的前妻是名模主持人 Padma Lakshmi,最近與高挑女星 Pia Glenn 過從甚密。顯然因為文學成就而封爵或在U2演唱舞台當嘉賓,並不代表他可以違反 Facebook 的使用真名條款;最近該社群網站停用了他的帳號,並要求他用護照上的名字 Ahmed Rushdie 重新註冊。 在網路上求民主只會引來逮捕、刑求和謀殺 Facebook 對魯西迪提出他從未公開使用本名Ahmed的抗議置若罔聞,因為根據 Facebook 的使用者條款,使用者只能用政府核准身分證明上的名字申請帳號。此條款和競爭對手 Google+ 的類似規範在網路上掀起強大的反對聲浪。NGO 人權組織「自由之家」列出的鎮壓型國家高達四十二個。在泰國,即使在網路上對皇室最輕微的批評,都可能遭致最多十五年的刑期。無數部落客指出,任何參與類似「阿拉伯之春」運動的人,都將自己和家人置入險境。光是敘利亞反抗行動就有三千五百人因參與而喪命,在網路上用真正、可追蹤的姓名表達對自由和民主的追求,顯然是將自己暴露在遭逮捕、刑求和謀殺的危險之中。...
November 15, 2011
In the beginning, the internet sprung fully formed from the head of Tim Berners-Lee… or at least that’s the urban...
November 3, 2011
The recent murder of Colonel Moammar El-Gadhafi brought the real-time search debate into sharp focus. Whether you were celebrating the...
October 27, 2011
Google作了微調:升級Gmail 及降級Google Reader
The news that Google’s Reader is about to have its social features retired caught many not decrying the neutering of...
October 24, 2011