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小企業常犯的 5 大問題
I’m not sure if “Marketing Critic” is a unique title. While I am very critical of all marketing efforts that I come across, the same could be said for pretty...
November 5, 2013
A friend of mine sent me an email earlier, saying that it was the best marketing email he had ever seen. That’s a pretty strong statement. I’ve seen some pretty...
May 2, 2013
Spamhaus 遭受 DDOS 攻擊的相關問題
Spamhaus 受到 DDOS 攻擊並非破天荒的新聞。事實上,他們常常遭受 DDOS 攻擊,只是大部分都是一般程度,Spamhaus 可以輕易擋下的攻擊。最近這則報導不太一樣,這波攻擊不僅已持續一周,更是有史以來規模最大的 DDOS 攻擊。Spamhaus 表示他們流量已到達 300Gbps,並證實全部來自外部源頭。 這個報導在媒體界掀起不小的波濤,宣稱這種攻擊可能「動搖整個網路的基礎」。很多媒體機構也都報導此次攻擊很可能影響許多使用者的網速和連線穩定性。知名的電視遊戲發行人 Blizzard 也發布通知,告訴使用者他們正在監控此問題。 這波攻擊究竟是否強大到可以破壞網路仍然存疑。很多資訊安全界的大老都指出,雖然這波攻擊很嚴重,也揭露不少問題;但它並沒有真的像媒體報導說的一樣是網路的世界末日。 更令人感興趣的,是 Cyberbunker 發動攻擊背後的原因。如果你還不清楚 Spamhaus 是幹嘛的,他們是世界上最大的電子郵件安全組織之一。他們運用多樣化的精密方法找出垃圾郵件業者,並列出所有已知的垃圾郵件業者,供大眾隨時查閱。在這次的攻擊裡,Cyberbunker...
April 2, 2013
One of the side effects of working as a marketing professional is that instead of being affected by marketing, you...
March 21, 2013
ISPs and ESPs have been making it harder and harder to get into the inbox for email marketers. This isn’t...
February 26, 2013
MSN 和「灰郵件」(Graymail) 的戰爭會影響電子報行銷業者嗎?
Graymail is probably a word that you haven’t heard of before, and that’s probably because until only a short time...
December 12, 2012
ReturnPath 將電子報行銷封為ROI之王
I am always fascinated by how far technology has brought us. It seems like only a few days ago that...
December 10, 2012