A target market requires email newsletters that provide a specific type of content. Otherwise, marketers will inevitably lose the interest of their subscribers.

When the market concerns the business of printing and shipping, the biggest challenge is in the wide spectrum of interests associated with those activities. While email marketing may seem as though it is at cross-purposes with the printing industry, email can actually be used to bolster the business for whom printing is the necessary medium.

Below are six topics a printing and shipping business could use in their newsletter to promote their business and integrate with email.

1. Stories on How to Pack Items for Shipping (China, Electronics, Etc.)

What is obvious to you and your coworkers may not be so obvious to the customers. Remember that one of the elemental reasons for sending out newsletters is to establish the reputation of your business as the expert in the field. Include stories in your newsletter that cover a wide spectrum of topics related to your business and the services it provides.

An example of this might be instructions on how to pack items for shipping. Most people are not familiar with the specifics on how to properly ship items abroad or how to properly package electronics. Consistently provide helpful stories on tips for shipping various items to cover an array of inquiries your customers may have.

2. Stories on Business Card Trends

As trends change, business cards are constantly evolving, but most people do not have the time to keep up on such details. Once again, your company can establish itself as the expert in this field by simply reporting on trends you observe as a supplier. Let your newsletter subscribers in on some tricks of the trade. If a certain color scheme or alternative shape is in high demand, report it on your newsletter and inform your subscribers on how best to keep up with the emerging trends.

3. Info on Green Materials You Use (Paper, Packing Material, Boxes)

Going “green” has progressed beyond mere trendiness. People acknowledge the importance of utilizing recyclable or eco-friendly materials and base their investment decisions on such factors. Inform subscribers of any new materials your business may be using or expand on the importance of the green materials your business already puts to use.

4. Intro and Info on a Trusted Vendor

Create a segment in your newsletter that introduces and provides information about a trusted vendor. This information should reflect the time and experiences your business has accumulated throughout its existence.

Not only is it vital for the recommended vendor to be trustworthy, remember that any experiences, good or bad, that your clients have with that vendor will also be associated with your business.

5. Industry News (Set Up RSS Feeds)

Many of your newsletter subscribers may be in the same industry or have shared interests. Supplement the newsletter with RSS feeds or industry news that your clients and colleagues will both appreciate.

6. Focus on Specific Services for Specific Businesses

The most loyal readers of your newsletter will be those who already utilize the services you offer. Frequent users of your service will inevitably be the larger companies who by definition have more demands or needs.

On the other hand, there will be individuals who utilize online methods of commerce for personal use. Amazon sellers, for instance, are a large enough market to recognize but also exemplify a specific service that may be of interest for other readers of your newsletter.

Author Bio:

by Yo Noguchi

Yo Noguchi is a freelance writer and guest blogger with work published in Better Networker, Work.com, and other top-tier sites. He specializes in writing about blogging, video email and traditional email marketing.